our process together.
**this is not about predicting the future; we are here to create it.
the battle we all face is between ego and Spirit. the subconscious vs conscious. the unnatural vs the natural. having a mindful grasp on your environment comes with hardships which lead to growth. it is okay to question what your "authentic" way of being is. it's part of the step forward. your inclination to authenticity will guide you to the proper resources to find the truth you seek.
i have taken the time and care to nourish my spiritual gifts in order to help you and you and you find the best versions of yourself. the version you have been looking for since the moment you lost yourself. sometimes we cannot remember what the cause was, we just know we want more.
if you are hitting a wall in a situation where you expected the best results, this means there are blockages that need to be released. the idea of being content means having walls down through life, being careless, free and happy. that type of joy cannot walk through walls. when your walls are up, whether it be now or later, it will be difficult for you to find that content lifestyle you seek. that type of joy comes when you have learned how to be free in your "now" moment.
i can help you in understanding those blockages and how to relieve them without overthought or strain. the work i do is in your source of energy. first i connect to you and your pending environment. i then obtain the messages specially made for you. after you receive the guidance, it is up to you to do the major work. these road blocks/blockages/walls are lessons set on your journey to understand who you really are. you will come to appreciate your life at every turn with pure gratitude as you become strong in character. and better yet, in love.
all services i provide require open honesty. this journey is about you. it is about how real you can be with yourself. be removed from the mundane lifestyle a comfort zone provides. it is your truth that will help me see a clear vision of what cycle you are in right now; whether it be a snail trail or a tornado. let's sit in the eye of your storm for a moment. just a moment. breathe into the space of the unknown knowing you have found the answer to the question that has lingered for countless days.. weeks.. months.. years....... decades. these are merely phases of relating'ship karma drama ready to be released.
the reflection of you is everywhere. it is your mind that is the illusionist. the world around you is ready to show you your desires, your pains, your greatness in all things you encounter. if you are ready to see, let's bring light to your reality together.
upon you completing the confidentiality agreement we will begin with a deeper conversation. one more in depth than our initial conversation. on a scale of complete trust and understanding, we will now form a relationship based on a grounded foundation of bare 'nakedness'. your trust in me is ultimately the amount of trust you have in yourself.
please keep in mind i am gentle, however, i am also 100% honest. i will always tell you everything i see. there will be times you will want to take a moment to reflect. that is part of the process of healing. allow yourself to be human. we are one in the same. i am simply a magnetized vessel to your current desire for wholeness.
our "now" has a story to tell. one solely based on our path to abundance. wondering why you do everything right with a disappointing end result? or why every time you talk to a psychic you get the same information yet nothing seems to come to pass? you can get passed the invisible obstacles. in this moment you can begin to open doors which once had the illusion of being locked.
with an email reading you will receive a detailed description of your current blockages along with a plan to clear the debris in the road.
all email readings are single spaced, times new roman 12 pt font.
1 question
simple answer
1/2 page
1 question
in depth answer
1 page
3 questions:
your 2 questions
my 1 intuitive question
3 pages (or more depending on messages being received)
consultation via email or text:
5-10 detailed email correspondences or 20-30 minute text exchanges
3 pages (or more depending on messages being received)
email readings
as humans, our minds are constantly moving. more often than not we rarely find time to focus on the present moment. it is easy to dwell on yesterdays or worry about tomorrows. what about those moments you need to just let something out somewhere to get better clarity? who do i know will understand? where can i get an unbiased answer to this pressing question? if you have the words and the energy, why wait to express your concerns.
**something pops up in your day and you just need guidance. when you are overwhelmed and in need of simple and clear guidance in the moment.
with text buddy you have me at your fingertips ready to listen to all your concerns right here and now. i will respond with words given to me by Grace set for your clarity, knowing and growth. there may be times i will have to pull cards to better assist.
when purchasing text buddy packages, daily texts have a cap of 20 exchanges between the both of us. this will start after you have asked your question or stated your concerns. once you have reached the limit i will end our chat with a 'namaste' of love till the next time we speak.
please note, there are limited amount of text buddies i can journey with per day as this service takes a lot of energy to filter through.
text buddies are done through your choice of application upon discussion
text buddy
our spiritual suffering often, if not always, manifests itself in physical form. at times this physical manifestation will come through our interactions with others, day-to-day activities and/or the body, depending on our karmic path.
our bodies talk to us through headaches, body aches, numbing, weight gain, etc. all signs of subconscious guilt in some form.
the subconscious mind hides filing cabinets on top of filing cabinets worth of guilt, shame and self loathing. regardless of how rich we are or how secure we seem, the subconscious mind always has a way to remind us of where we feel we are lacking or undeserving.
reiki is one way we can heal the body. by laying my hands over your body we can begin to move stuck energy and heal the pains of the body. we can also find how to heal the pain of the body by understanding the spiritual reason why.
to add, wherever it is that your body hurts, your mind is ready to ease the pain. the brain is not only a powerful enemy but a powerful tool as well. this brain of yours can help you get exactly what you want with time and patience.
with a customized meditation, i include a high vibration healing frequency. the meditation will be based on our readings/conversations to clear away blockages filed deeply in the subconscious mind.
it is time to be without guilt.
live as free as you always wanted. time to connect
body with soul.
$10 for customized meditation
reiki pricing upon consultation